On 21 Nov 2021 02:01:00 -0400, Mike Spencer
Post by Mike SpencerPost by D.J.On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 10:29:35 +0000, "Kerr-Mudd, John"
Post by Kerr-Mudd, JohnOn 19 Nov 2021 22:38:39 -0400
Post by Mike SpencerI use phosphoric acid to clean my hand-forged ironwork.
Dentistry be damned, eh?
Best not to keep it in your mouth for a fortnight. But how do you feel
about fl[u]oride? (Oops, could be a heated discussion coming up!)
There were people freaking out over flourides in the drinking water
once place I lived... then it was pointed out they were naturally
there, and part of the water from the artesian wells that were used
for water in town.
With a degree in chemistry (albeit 50 years old) the notion of
ingesting fluoride offends me but I'm willing to depend on the
established science and the failure of widespread fluoridation to
engender mass health calamities once millions of people were exposed
to it. I'm less trusting of the unbending assertion that amalgam
fillings pose no health risk whetever.
I had some amalgam filling from my younger days. Im IS navyboot camp,
they just scooped out one tooth and filled it with amalgam. When I had
a good health plan, I asked for that to be removed... the dentist said
they weren't a problem. I pointed out politely I was willing to try a
different dentist office. They did 'find' a cavity or two in those
teeth, and made the changes.
I do feel better. That dental work where that was removed, was back in
the 1980s/1990s. I have insisted on no amalgam since then.
No idea if this is an actual effect or not, but since then my
relatives have said I look healthier.
Post by Mike SpencerMuch less happy with the presence of arsenic in drilled wells in this
area. Old hand-dug surface wells mostly don't have the problem while
drilled wells pierce and draw water from the gold/arsenic-bearing strata.
There was a Boy Scount summer camp out in Texas that had drilled down
to get water for the camp. It contained sulphur. They had to install a
reverse osmosis system to clean out the sulphur, then they added in
chlorine. At least that is my memory of it. I know when the water
purification failed, the water smelled of sulphur compunds.
They told us it wasn't bad for us, and it would keep the mosquitoes
away. Well, my personal experience is it lessened the number of
mosquitoes that buzzed around me head. Not all of them.
Post by Mike SpencerIt's all in paying attention to detail. Back in my chemistry days, I
read about a case of cattle somewhere in the US west that were dying.
A study revealed that the soil was cobalt-free and they were dying of
cobalt deficiency. So ranchers salted the range with cobalt. The
cattle continued to die. A second study revealed that they were dying
of cobalt poisoning. Seems that what was needed was something like (I
forget the acutual numbers) 10 gm of soluble cobalt evenly distributed
over each square mile of range while the ranchers were spreading it
like they did fertilizer or weed killer.
Attention to details.
Yeah, over do it.