Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotThe only non-fruity Apple ][ clone I recall was the ICL-2020, which
was AIUI a real Apple ][ rebadged, painted silver and sold slightly
cheaper than the original.
Maybe a "real" Apple and not a clone: I'm sure I saw a machine,
exactly like an Apple ][ except it was black and carried the Bell &
Howell marque. It was set up in a nascent CAD-CAM research center
about 1984. I would have investigated but my business there was
related to making ornamental gates [1] for the center, not computer
stuff, so none of my contacts knew anything about the actual
One thing about the Apple ][ that I would like to have seen elsewhere
was an analog to digital port. Applying 0-9 volts DC resulted in
propostional 0-255 appearing in a particular address. All kinds of
potential amateur fun when connected to a battery and cobbled-together
widgets. I've recently acquired a Campbell Scientific 21X(L)
Micrologger. Same thing only far more complex with proprietary
software and much more complicated device<->computer interface. Of
course, it's much more versatile, enterprise-level and all that, but
far less accessible to the learner. I acquired it for my grandson who
is in 7th grade. He's going to need a lot of help from his dad to do
anything with it. The Apple DAC port was optimally simple.
ObReallyFolklore: Does anyone know the story behind the fact that
Apple use square brackets "][" for the numeral 2 or II in its logo but
did not make it possible to keyboard both '[' and ']'?
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada