Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotOn Sat, 11 Mar 2023 17:43:48 GMT
On Sat, 11 Mar 2023 07:36:15 +0000, Ahem A Rivet's Shot
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotThe Sinclair MK14 - Single board - where the designer of the Electron cut
his teeth.
Never heard of this one before
It was very early.
Looks like it was a kit?
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotPost by Ahem A Rivet's ShotThe Newbrain - Newbury Labs/Grundy from the same DOI/BBC project as the
ZX80 and the BBC Micro. Also a *very* early portable. I
I worked on it as a student.
This one I had heard of, it seemed to be very much like a TRS-80 portable,
though I never saw one in person.
It was the original holder of the contract to be the BBC microl but
because everyone believed Ferranti's ULA specs Newbury Labs couldn't get it
into production and Grundy finally put the TTL prototype design into
production (shades of the ZX80 here) and lost a lot of money in the process.
Definitely seems like it would be an interesting addition to the collection!
You mentioned Ferranti was involved in the BBC project? I recalled a Hack-A-Day
post a few years ago of a strange factory walkthrough by a man in period garb
supposedly the ghost of Ferranti himself.
Here it is. Odd, but strangely watchable:
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotPost by Ahem A Rivet's ShotThe Torch Communicator: A BBC B, Z80, modem, floppies and a 12" monitor in
a steel case - the business version of the BBC
I did know about this, but since it was really just a Beeb, I don't
From the outside it was a twin floppy CP/M (well CPN a clone we
wrote) machine, it used the BBC B as an I/O subsystem. We had a CPN program
that could lever a BBC micro program onto the BBC and run it but I don't
think that or the floppies full of BBC games we had were ever let out. I
don't think any CP/M machine ever beat it's 63.5k TPA. It weighed a tonne
A "massive" 800k storage, lol!! How quickly times have moved on! Shame that the
software was never released, would be fun trying to get Beeb games running on a
platform like this.
I have to say that out of all of the machines listed, this one peaks my interest
the most. Who knows what the eBay Gods may someday provide...
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotHmm I wonder if I should tell them that the "early possible
prototype" was in fact the second edition using a plastic case made by
Peerless Foam Mouldings to replace the heavy and expensive folded steel
Some of the images I've found show what looks to be a PET-like unit, with the
keyboard as an extension of the monitor housing, and others showing a keyboard
attached with a cord. Were there two models, or is one the prototype and the
other the commercially available model?
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotThere was also the Torch Z80 disc pack for the BBC B, two 400K
floppies, the Torch Z80 card and a copy of CPN. There were a *lot* more of
those sold than the Torch Communicator.
Oh God, don't get me started on Alan Sugar, lol!!!
It is not true that the M stood for Mother F****r - unless you talk
to any of his ex-employees.
I heard.....
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotBy all accounts he was even worse to work for
than Sinclair, and that's going some (despite growing up in Cambridge there
That's difficult to imagine. I had an uncle who worked for Cambridge before it
was renamed Sinclair, and the reason he didn't stay long was because of Sir
Clive shouting at people.
Post by Ahem A Rivet's Shotwere two companies I wouldn't work for Sinclair and Acorn - I knew too
many people who had).
I was secretly hoping you might have had a personal anecdote to share, lol!
But I honestly woudln't wish for anyone to have had to work in what I gather
were two extremely toxic environments.
Post by Ahem A Rivet's ShotI really don't WANT an Amstrad junking up my collection to be honest with
you, lol!
<grin> I never wanted one.
My sister had a PCW machine. Garbage, utter garbage. Overpriced word processor
and certainly not a "PC" by any stretch. I did warn her at the time, but she
wouldn't listen.
Caveat emptor ;)
OldbieOne [TM]
The One Who Tells It Like It is!
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