2024-02-29 08:14:32 UTC
Hello guys,
This is probably common knowledge in this group, but for the benefit and
joy of any new comers (such as myself) and if you're interested in the
good old BBS space, I recommend this documentary:
Those were the days! I remember my own little 1 line BBS called Panic.
Towards the end of the BBS era, games had gotten so big that it was easier
to grab the disk and actually physically go to the user and copy the games
and then upload them onto the BBS locally instead of over 28.8 or 56.6
This is probably common knowledge in this group, but for the benefit and
joy of any new comers (such as myself) and if you're interested in the
good old BBS space, I recommend this documentary:
Those were the days! I remember my own little 1 line BBS called Panic.
Towards the end of the BBS era, games had gotten so big that it was easier
to grab the disk and actually physically go to the user and copy the games
and then upload them onto the BBS locally instead of over 28.8 or 56.6