I found that 80s simulation game
(too old to reply)
Scientific (she/her)
2021-12-24 21:31:00 UTC
It's telehack.com. Yu can connect to it through a web browser or good
ol' Telnet. It's nice to relive the good ol' times of terminal again.
I'm "scisheher" in the game, go ahead and finger me with your "finger"
program on your workstation. Maybe drop me a mail or two.
2021-12-25 09:42:35 UTC
Post by Scientific (she/her)
It's telehack.com. Yu can connect to it through a web browser or good
ol' Telnet. It's nice to relive the good ol' times of terminal again.
I'm "scisheher" in the game, go ahead and finger me with your "finger"
program on your workstation. Maybe drop me a mail or two.
Just called by. It would take me a week to recall it all, anyway, it was
nice, and a happy Xmas to you.
Anssi Saari
2021-12-30 07:30:51 UTC
%newuser is temporarily disabled
I wonder if this is actually permanent now or is it coming back? I found
a mention on Reddit from four months ago that it was temporarily
disabled back then too but has it been back since?
Looks like it's back now.
2021-12-30 08:58:52 UTC
Post by Anssi Saari
%newuser is temporarily disabled
I wonder if this is actually permanent now or is it coming back? I found
a mention on Reddit from four months ago that it was temporarily
disabled back then too but has it been back since?
Looks like it's back now.
Thanks for informing, got my account as cdavie now :-)
Don't be afraid of the deep...
--[ bbs.bottomlessabyss.net | https | telnet=2023 ]--
--[ /query geeknix on libera.chat | tilde.chat ]--
2022-07-12 14:04:51 UTC
On Fri, 24 Dec 2021 21:31:00 +0000, "Scientific (she/her)"
Post by Scientific (she/her)
It's telehack.com. Yu can connect to it through a web browser or good
ol' Telnet. It's nice to relive the good ol' times of terminal again.
I'm "scisheher" in the game, go ahead and finger me with your "finger"
program on your workstation. Maybe drop me a mail or two.
When Unum says "energy bills"... he doesn't mean consumer's "energy


On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 22:06:00 -0500, Unum says...
Post by Scientific (she/her)
Britain?s latest round of awards to renewable energy suppliers gave contracts
to solar, wind and tidal projects capable of generating a record-breaking 11
gigawatts (GW) of electricity.
So... all this is going to be built in LESS than 5 to 16 months?

No way.
Post by Scientific (she/her)
Celebrating the record-breaking fourth round of the contracts for difference
LOL... now, they're labeling CONTRACTS with superlatives to make it
seem like
this is going to be the biggest thing since sex.

Celebrating "record-breaking fourth round of the contracts". Is this a

Here it is...
Post by Scientific (she/her)
"The more cheap, clean power WE GENERATE
The competitive nature of the scheme has continued to push down prices, the
government says. The price of offshore wind per megawatt hour
"Prices" TO THE GENERATOR, NOT the consumer.
Post by Scientific (she/her)
Offshore wind is now even cheaper than solar or onshore wind energy,
government figures show, clearing at just £37.35/MW.
TO THE GENERATOR, NOT the consumer.
Post by Scientific (she/her)
?These numbers are wild,? comments Leo Murray, innovation director at climate
charity Possible. ?One of the few parts of the climate struggle where we can
emphatically say we are winning is renewable electricity generation costs.?
There it is again... "renewable electricity GENERATION costs."

WHY do you bore us with this bullshit? Oh... yeah... the world's not
on fire at
the moment, so pricing to the GENERATORS of electricity is most
Post by Scientific (she/her)
Remarkably, the 11GW of renewables will generate energy at prices four times
lower than the current cost of gas, according to CarbonBrief analysis.
"Prices" to the generators, NOT the consumers.

Learn the difference, pussyboy SPAMMER.


July: So Far

Queensland Crops "Wiped-Out" By Record-Breaking Cold
Heavy Snow Hits Argentina
All-Time Cold Records Fall In Australia
Earth's Temperature Saw A Sharp Drop In June, As Did Solar Activity
Freezing Iowa Spring Means No Fourth Of July Corn
Germany Builds "Huge Thermos" To Help Stave Off The Cold This Winter
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