Post by gareth evansThe loss of serial ports fitted to PCs mean that we have
also lost the use of the lowest-common-denominator
hardware-wise when it comes to transferring files
between incompatible systems.
But it also means that we have lost the confusion
when using Kermit of knowing to which end of the
link you are talking from the keyboard! :-)
Nah, we still have that. I had a hellava time explaining how to use
ftp to a friend. He was a non-programmer but after over a decade
working in a Unix shop, doing variously NTSC video, educational
multimedia project dev, management etc. etc. and using telnet
routinely, he was still very slow to grasp which end he was talking
to when trying to fetch half a career's files home ove ftp.
I have a serial->USB adapter to allow my no-serial-port laptop to do
dialup. It proved to be finniky about exactly which bytes (such as a
newline) were sent when. Required tedious trial & error and help from
kind persons on the net to get it to work.
I'm a rank amateur hacker/programmer and I managed to build a setup
with a mag switch in our pet mouse's cage connected to button 1
terminals on a serial mouse and then read, log and time revs of the
mouse's exercise wheel via the serial port. I would have been
completely stymied if all that was available had been a USB port. (At
his best, the mouse ran about 4 miles in an evening with numerous
snack and water breaks!)
Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada