Looking back through this thread - some advice from an old wrinkly programmer.
My first assembler was a mainframe, back at the end of the 1970s [...].
[History snipped.] I started with Atlas [apart from a brief go with
Edsac] in '66, and still have a shelf-full of snaffled m/c code, inc the O/S
[such as it was] and several compilers. On to KDF9, ICL 1900 and PDP 11 m/c
code. But after that, I didn't bother, and haven't missed it.
The last ten years or so I've been using ARM chips. I can just about
read the assembler, but I certainly wouldn't try to write it. Almost
everything is written in high level languages. Usually C or C++.
I more-or-less stopped using C [and never really started with C++]
30-odd years ago. Where practicable, I write shell scripts, using Sed and
other editors to do character twiddling; and Algol for serious computing.
I rarely even bother to compile the Algol; the interpreter is plenty fast
enough for anything short of full-scale astrophysical simulations [and is
hugely faster on my PC than the optimised compiled code on our university
mainframe in the 1970s].
I'm sure compiler writers still need to know the assembler stuff, but
that's a small niche.
Even most compiler writers can get away with "compiling" into C and
then relying on the work of others to get that into an executable! So the
niche is really /very/ small.
So, original poster - why do you think you need to learn assembler?
Especially for an obsolete chip?
To be fair, the OP didn't claim necessity. Anyone with an academic
bent is entitled simply to be curious about how things are, or were, done.
Personally, I hate not knowing things that interest me, and esp hate being
told that I don't /need/ to know them.
Andy Walker, Nottingham.
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