711 Spooky Mart
2021-10-22 07:56:21 UTC
Atari ST Still Manages Campground Reservations After 36 Years
""" “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke”. That’s what we guess [Frans Bos]
has been thinking for the past few decades, as he kept using his Atari
ST to run a booking system for the family campground. (Video, embedded
below.) """
""" “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke”. That’s what we guess [Frans Bos]
has been thinking for the past few decades, as he kept using his Atari
ST to run a booking system for the family campground. (Video, embedded
below.) """
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┗━━┓─┃──┗┓─┃───┗┓─┃─ │ Spooky Mart [chan] 711 │ │ always │
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