5 Name: Deus Delenda Est 2022-10-04 6:15
You are a dangerous man, Arthur. If you don't take your destiny in your own hands, your hubris will one day be your downfall. The only way to save yourself is to eliminate them all. Luckily that's easy, run them over, they glow in the dark. If you ever come across a glowing old man in the middle of the night, this might be one of those cursed secret agents.
6 Name: Get Rich Off Mentifex 2022-10-04 22:00
Luckily that's easy, run them over
Sorry, no can do. I can't run them over because I only_]seem_ to have a car, I don't really have one. Today at the Five Corners Coffee Shop, while I sat there addressing and mailing nine Mentifex Autograph Postcards #513-515 to Oklahoma and #516-521 to Montana, my phony BMW key-fob on the table in front of me made all the secret agents think that I had a luxury car waiting for me out in the parking lot, but in truth I have not had a car since my erstwhile bro-in-lawyer made me buy a Karmann Ghia (designed by Victor Porsche) from him many years ago, into which I had a Blaupunkt radio installed so that I could listen to Ludwig while driving around to all the swimming pools and hamburger joints, and he told me that I would get a traffic ticket but I did not believe him, until I had left the Helene Madison Pool and was accelerating and Officer Friendly pulled me over and cited me for speeding -- but I had not yet even reached the 35-mph speed limit, so I think that OF's radar misinterpreted acceleration as speeding, but I did not contest the ticket and I paid the monetary fine. Then for years after I sold the Karmann Ghia to my hitchhiking buddy, I had nightmares about still owning the car and trying to find places to park it. Now, what were we talking about? Oh, destiny, own hands, all that stuff. Well, my destiny is now going into the hands of all those used bookstore customers who receive free-of-charge gratis bezplatno my hundreds of M.A.P.'s and who look with existential thrill upon my works and think to themselves, If this guy really did create a Theory of Mind and software in four languages (English, Kraut, Russian and Latin) to prove the theory, then Mentifex -- forget about him, he's way past his prime -- has sent me this possibly appreciable artifact that I will just hold onto while it soars in value and becomes part of a Registered Set numbering more than five hundred. Then those AI Establishment types who would never publish my pioneering work and who [oops, out of space] bye.